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Hbomb & Friends

Sep 28, 2013

Harold (@usfhbomb) is joined by Aaron Trites (@HMXhenry) & Eric Pope (@MrPope) of Harmonix Music Systems (@Harmonix) as they talk about life at Harmonix, what a community manager does, donuts, Cookie Clicker, Mike Greenwell, John Drake (@johntdrake)’s Diet Coke supply, & more. Also, Adam Advocaat (@moofey17) of That...

Sep 24, 2013

Harold (@usfhbomb) is joined by Jon Anderson (@heyjonanderson) of Fantastic Neighborhood ( & Alex O’Neill (@alfighter27) of Irrational Passions ( as they talk KickStarter, PAX Prime, those ignorant assholes at Fox News, Grand Theft Auto 5, Grand Theft Auto 4, Spelunky,...

Sep 17, 2013

Harold (@usfhbomb) is joined by Joe Fourhman (@fourhman) of You Like the Worst Stuff (@theworstpodcast), Louis (@neuralclone) of RetroNick Radio (, Philip Wesley (@dmgice) of and, and a giant Pikachu, as they talk conventions, Disney Infinity, things not to do at cons...

Sep 5, 2013

Harold (@usfhbomb) is joined by Fred Ehrhart (@protoaddict) of Fantastic Neighborhood (, Ryan Clarke (@ryan18245) of The Great Geek Debate  & Alex O’Neill (@alfighter27) of Irrational Passions ( as they talk Cards Against Humanity, John Drake’s Diet...

Sep 2, 2013

Harold (@usfhbomb) is joined by Aaron (@ind1fference) of GameEnthus ( & Evan Wall (@stickerglue) of Irrational Passions ( as they talk about Spec Ops: The Line, DiveKick, Picross, Disney Infinity, Dragon’s Crown, Ducktales, the first anniversary of Rock Band Blitz,...